October 18, 1867
The Fenians are amassing a cache of no less than 4,000 arms at Potsdam, some thirty-six miles from Ogdensburg. The arms are the very same seized by the American Government last year and removed to Sacket’s Harbour where they have since been returned to the Fenians.
The rifles have been transported from Sacket’s Harbour to Watertown by waggon and then by train to Potsdam, the trains arriving in the middle of the night where they were met by a second set of waggons that secreted them into the country.
The Fenians are said to be planning their attack for to coincide with the New York state elections, at which time both political parties will be seeking to curry their favour. At a recent gathering of the Republican Party in Ogdensberg, loud applause greeted a boast of a future successful Fenian attack.
The cabinet has been busy meeting over the last few days. Of note, they approved the organization of two departments: Marine and Fisheries and the department of the Secretary of State for Canada. Their responsibilities are as follows:
The Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Hon. Peter Mitchell, has submitted to the Privy Council, and had approved, his proposal (1867-0100) for the various responsibilities of the departments that he oversees.
The Marine Department will be responsible for:
- construction, location, management and furnishing of light houses, light ships, signals, beacons, buoys, provision depots (for the relief of shipwrecked mariners), Provincial Steamers and other craft owned by or employed in the service of the Dominion;
- Examination into causes of wrecks;
- The classification of vessels and inspection of Steamboats;
- Examination and granting of certificates of competency to masters, etc.;
- The charge of pilot services;
- The direction and engagement of seaman’s Hospitals,
- The regulation of harbours, ballast, anchorage and quarry grounds;
- The {illegible} Boards, as well as such services as affect the Maritime interests of the Dominion.
The Fisheries department will be responsible for:
- The management, regulation, disposal, protection and development of deep sea, coast and island fisheries;
- The inspection of fish {illegible};
- And generally the promotion of fishery interests.
The Secretary of State for Canada, Hon. Hector Langevin, has submitted to the Privy Council, and had approved, his proposal (1867-0105a) for the various responsibilities of his department. They are:
- The Secretary of State for Canada shall be the medium of communication between the Government and the public, in all matters that are not specially within the province of the Secretary of State for the Provinces, who shall e the medium of communication between the Government of Canada and the Local Governments of the Provinces composing the Dominion;
- The Secretary of State for Canada shall also be the Registrar of the Dominion, and have the superintendency of Indian Affairs and lands and of the Ordinance lands belonging to the Dominion;
- The department shall be divided into four branches;
- The Corresponding Branch;
- The Registry Branch;
- The Indian Lands Branch; and
- The Ordniance Lands Branch.
Seeking some $250,000 to $300,000 per year in estimated revenue, the Governor of Hong Kong is said to be considering licensing gambling houses in the colony.
His Honour, Major General Stisted, Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario was in Hamilton earlier this week where he reviewd the 29th Regiment and gave them highest praise for their discipline and condition.