January 4, 1868
Thus far, the experiment being conducted at Mr. Allan’s mill in Guelph to test the use of petroleum to fuel a steam generator has proven uneconomical and been abandoned.
Mr. Allan has found that it takes nearly a full barrel of paraffin crude oil an hour to operate a forty horse-power engine which is significantly more expensive than wood which comes at $3 per cord.
Petroleum is still in use at the oil refinery and at Mr. Robertson’s foundry where twelve horse-power engines are in use. They consume just two gallons per hour and compete satisfactorily with wood on price.
It is believed that a reconfiguration of Mr. Allan’s engine will improve the efficiency of petroleum and reduce the cost of its use.
George Murray, one of the Liberal members of the Nova Scotia Legislative Assembly for Pictou, and his sister-in-law are lucky to be alive after falling through the ice in the harbour in that town. The two were in a horse-drawn sleigh attempting a crossing of the harbour near the public wharf when the ice gave way and the party fell into the water. The Pictou Standard reports their rescue involved great difficulty.
The Sarnia Observer reports a victory for the cause of women’s suffrage after Lily Maxwell of Manchester cast a vote for Jacob Bright who was elected member of Parliament for that city. Mrs. Maxwell, being a rate payer, was placed on the register, and once placed on the register could not be denied the vote. She was accompanied to the poll by the Presidentess of the Female Suffrage Society and a guard of honour. The Observer asks
If one woman can vote for Jacob Bright, why not a thousand, or a hundred thousand, at future elections? And as women in England are a clear majority, there may a time come when a female sovereign may have a female parliament…. If as will not be disputed, Queen Victoria is the best sovereign England has had for centuries…who can say that a further extension of the gentle rule of the gentler sex might not be an advantage.”
The Bank of Toronto will apply to Parliament this session for an Act to continue its Charter. Parliament will also receive an application from parties seeking to incorporate the Dominion Banking Company.