February 3, 1868
Sir Narcisse Belleau and Sir Charles Doyle have been reappointed as the Lieutenants-Governor of Québec and Nova Scotia respectively.
The initial appointments which went into effect established that the offices were to be held at pleasure. The articles of the Confederation declare that appointments to these offices made after July 1, 1867, are for five-year terms.
There is some question whether Major-General Henry Stisted will remain in his post in Ontario or a new appointment made.
Rt. Rev. Dr. Alexander Bethune has been installed as the Bishop of Toronto. The office has been vacant since the death of Bishop Strachan in November.
Rev. Bethune had been Coadjutor to the late Bishop and Bishop of Niagara.
The Bishop is the son of Rev. John Bethune, the founder of the first Presbyterian Church in Montreal.